Racial Microaggressions in the Media: Riverdale

It’s been a good five years (more? I haven’t checked), since I wrote on this blog, but given the continued racial inequities around the world and the killing of black bodies by the police, I felt it was time to come back. Surprisingly, my Facebook doesn’t go as far as a blog, so here we…

Feminism And Black History Month – Black Female Lead Movies and TV

I’m a strong believer in respecting all cultures. It helps that I grew up with so many surrounding me. For Black History Month (which I’ve always felt connected to because February is my birth month? Eh. Kid Logic), I thought I’d take a moment and write about my top 10 Favorite Black Female Lead Television…

When Feminism Gets Tricky: Agent Carter and How She’s Treated

So, before this post begins: yay! Things have been updated! Are you interested in writing a guest blog? Apply! There’s a contact link at the top of this page. Also at the top of the page, my “Looking Forward To…” which typically outlines what I’m watching and reading each month, so check there for things…

Olivia Pope Done Got On My Nerves

Call me an absentee writer. I wouldn’t blame you. OR look at My Personal Blog for more information about what I’ve been up to. But besides all of what I’ve been up to – I’ve also been staying up to date on my shows and, I have to say, Livvie Pope is getting on my…

2014 Fall Television: How Do I Love Thee?

Have you been keeping up with Fall Television this season? Not only do we have a lot of wonderful new programming, but there are some amazing changes being made on returning television programs as well! Here’s a list of some of my favorite new and returning television shows on Fall Television: 1. So, Thursday nights…

Sailor Moon: Or, Why My Generation Loves Anime So Much

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with one thing and one thing only: Sailor Moon. I was up by 6AM every Saturday Morning, once the show was kicked of Toonami and was only airing on WB before the sun rose. It gave me my first introduction to fanfiction and fandom in general. It didn’t hurt…

Dear Zelda

Originally posted on So Tuachair:
I don’t know you. None of us on the internet really do – we know your smile, that your father called you his little girl and that, despite what some may say, you were named after a video game and not the First Flapper.  We’ve heard you laugh and tease…

Parenthood: We Finally Get a Gay?

1. Hey guys! I’m back from my temporary hiatus! Click over to my personal blog for more information about my life happenings and why I’ve been too busy to keep up with the fabulousness that is this blog.  2. Alas, I have not seen the season finale of Parenthood yet. I tend to watch things via On Demand…